Link practice day 7
Lakshmi and Neethu took the class today
Lakshmi took Demonstration, Questioning and Reinforcement skills
Lakshmi took Demonstration, Questioning and Reinforcement skills
Link Practice Day 6
Today Gopika, Jismi Antony and I took the classs
Gopika took Questioning, Class Management and Reinforcement as the skills.
Jismi Antony took skilla Demonstration, Reinforcement and closure
Today Roji, Rhea, Manikandan and me took the class.
Roji took the skills Set Inducation Reinforcement and Blackboard.
Manikandan took Set induction, Explanation and Questioning Skills.
Today Lakshmi and Neethu took the class
Neethu Took the skills - Set Induction, Explanation and Black Board. Class started at 8.40.
Lakshmi took the skills- set induction, explanation and reinforcement. The class started at 9.20 and end at 9.40